How can we access content with Smart Names?

Smart names form the foundation identity of the entities that will host content on the Dweb (Decentralised Web). How can you access both the Dweb and the existing legacy web 2.0 on your devices with minimum fuss ?

Mobiles and Tablets

If you are on IOS you should use Beacon Browser. This browser resolves both Handshake and Legacy Internet Names. You can download Beacon browser from the app store.

If you are on Android you can use Puma Browser. You can simply download the same from Google playstore and you are all set to access both Dweb and legacy internet in the same browser.Please note while Puma resolves Handshake names it does not support DANE as of now.

Desktops and Laptops


This is a free open-source resolver that can be downloaded from FINGERTIP.
All it takes is a one-time five-minute installation and you are all set to access Dweb. The instructions for the same can be found in the video below.


Upgrading your DNS resolver is great option for those who prefer a non-techy solution to access the Dweb. Its free and just takes 2 mins. While this is the easiest way to access the dWeb its not as secure as Fingertip. To use HDNS all you need to do is follow the instructions and you are all set to go! The instructions can be found HERE


The easiest way to access sites on all devices made on Handshake protocol is to just add the extension “” to the name. For instance, to access the name abc/ simply type in ‘’ in your browser. This option is great for public computers or non-personal computers where FINGERTIP or HDNS is NOT installed.

Other Browsers and ISPs.

Opera Borwser just announced support for Handshake Domains. We will bring more details as we have them.